Musician Arranger Educator

Hello my name is Mark Hodgson and welcome to my website. This is not a commercial platform but simply a showcase and cross-section of my musical life. A snapshot. I hail from the West Riding of Yorkshire England but now reside on the island of Bali.
My life’s musical journey has literally taken me all over the world. I think it is fair to say I am a well-seasoned professional pianist, trumpeter and arranger.
Although essentially a jazz musician at heart, I have worked across the whole spectrum of the music industry, performing, directing, recording, scoring and educating. Throughout my career I have enjoyed scoring and composing music in many genres, and when ever possible incorporating my writing into teaching and performing

My earliest experiences with music were through my fathers encouragement, a drummer/percussionist of the most exacting standards.
Over the past 35 years I have been fortunate enough to have been able to teach in a wide range of
educational situations.

Composing and Arranging
As I mentioned from my earliest musical ‘doodling’ at the piano, my explorations into melody, harmony and rhythm took me into many directions, sometimes far away from my original core.